Updated Announcement: SR Suntour New SP25 NCX Design (as of December 2024)

Earlier this year 2024, SR Suntour produced and started selling its new Seat Post Products (SP25 NCX model) in the market with new design and changes. We are updating this announcement and comparison (“How to tell the difference between SRS original products and fake ones? (click here)”) which displays in the last page the new design and changes made to avoid confusion as to whether the seat post you have purchased is a counterfeit or our new SP25 NCX seat post

Other than the above, no other changes were made to the previous announcement (below). Counterfeit products continue to exist in the market and we continue to eliminate them. Your reporting of counterfeit items greatly assists us.

In case of any questions, please feel free to contact our service centers within your territory.

警告:假冒伪劣的NCX 座垫杆产品

如何分辨真的NCX坐垫杆与彷冒品? (点击这裡)

SR SUNTOUR 已得知,目前在全球许多地区都有假冒SR SUNTOUR或仿冒SRSUNTOUR 品牌的产品出售,包括网络在线销售平台。尤其是未经授权的经销商和卖家正在售卖假冒的 SR SUNTOUR NCX 的座垫杆。SR SUNTOUR正在对能识别身份的卖家采取法律行动。然而,您应关注这一事件的发展,并且只购买SR SUNTUOUR 的正品或由其授权的,可在 SR SUNTOUR 网站上搜寻到的经销商/销售渠道所售卖的产品:

假冒产品不仅远远无法达到 SR SUNTOUR 的产品质量标准,而且很有可能导致顾客的产品出现故障失灵的状况,进而致使严重的安全问题。因此请注意,对于因使用假冒产品而可能发生的任何故障或损坏,SR SUNTOUR 概不负责。此外,在 SR SUNTOUR 授权以外的销售渠道购买的产品将不受SR SUNTOUR的任何担保与支持

购买者也应认识到,SR SUNTOUR 不太方便直接采取措施,譬如调查从我们授权以外的销售渠道购买的产品的真实性。如果您已经从非SR SUNTOUR授权的经销商处购买了标有 SR SUNTOUR NCX 标签的座垫杆,可以联系我们与您最近的办事处或经销商。

SR SUNTOUR 欢迎您提供任何关于假冒商品卖家的信息,以便于我们能够消除市场上的危险假冒产品。如果您有任何关于此类购买的信息,请随时联系我们SR SUNTOUR 的办事处或通过在您附近的全球经销商:


SR SUNTOUR 事先感谢您对此事的理解与合作。